Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was sent a link to a presentation about branding titled “The Brand Gap” that the Creative Director at our ad agency came across by one Mart Neumeier.

It was a great read (170 very visual slides with very visual ideas).

There were 2 things that really resonated for me, as they are things that I have written about in the blog, and these were:

1. You need to be different to STAND OUT and be noticed by your target. The point he makes, which I had not thought of before, was that we have so much information and stimulus to digest constantly that we are “programmed” to only really notice things that are different and enexpected. Anything that is very similar or the same we do not tend to notice and register. Good point!

2. If you are really trying to INNOVATE, then you need some strange ideas that feel uncomfortable and make you feel a bit nervous. If not them they are far too familiar and safe, and probably are me-too. Another good point

The full presentation can be found at:

Who is Marty? I have not met him but the presentation says: Marty Neumeier is president of a San Francisco-based brand consultancy, Neutron LLC. Neutron supplies the “glue” that holds brands together: brand education programs, seminars, workshops, creative audits, process planning, and more.
Visit (though if you visit you will see they have merged with a company called LIQUID)

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