I recieved an email today asking me, based on this blog and thoughts on it, to talk at a Creativity in Advertising conference in London in March 2007.
The invite is from ADMAP/WARC and this is what the conference was about:
Creativity in Advertising Conference Background
Consumers are increasingly difficult to engage. They control their own media, they multi-task, they time-shift. And, increasingly, they resent the volume of ads we push at them – yet they are at least quite interested in creating their own ads if we invite them to. All this puts increasing pressure on ad creativity, to cut through the clutter and genuinely involve our target audiences – emotionally as well as rationally.
The ability of consumers to choose what media they engage with, and when, creates a c om plex challenge for creatives; a challenge both of precisely defining the people you wish to reach, of identifying where and when to find them and of creating the ads that will entice and enchant them.
Target Audience
Anyone responsible for marketing brands.. The conference is expected to attract around 100+ attendees, mostly quite senior account suits, planners, researchers, media, creatives of all shapes & sizes and senior marketing people fr om the clients as well as research agencies with a fair proportion of continental European delegates.
This is what the invite email said:
"I came across your fantastic website whilst researching ‘cool’ people to participate at the annual Creativity In Advertising event chaired by Rory Sutherland Ogilvy and hosted by ADMAP/WARC (world advertising research centre) on 27 March next year in London .
We hope you might be available/interested to participate as a speaker. The event will offer the chance to debate s om e of the key issues surrounding creativity and provide real insight of right brain thinking and campaign success stories that deliver creative inspiration and build brands.
We hope to finalise the agenda before Xmas - all that is required at this stage is a c om mitment to speak.I very much hope you are able to participate and look forward to hearing from you."
I hopefully can do this!
Gary, wondering if you are able to confirm your participation as a speaker for this event?
Would like to finalise the agenda and keen to know if you prefer am or pm slot and an idea of your proposed presentation topic (or rant?!)
You can do it! if anyone can you can!!
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