Sunday, November 20, 2011

Extraordinary time of change for TV: why and what it means!

It can be easy to forget when you are in the middle of a evolution, of just how much is changing and how fast it can accelerate and over take you.

This was one of the thoughts that struck me while attending the UK Commercial TV Industry sponsored ThinkBox conference called TV + Mobile recently.

In her opening comments, Tess Alps (the CEO of Thinkbox) reminded of the kinds of trends and changes taking place literally in front of out eyes:

  • The growth of "catch-up" TV, be it on Sky +/ TIVO or online services. People are shifting when they watch programs, and where they watch them.
  • So many different devices other than the TV in the corner of the lounge are now able to receive TV, and are growing in popularity and usage. They include X-Box; Smart Phones; Tablets like the iPad; and of course laptops and desktops. The tablet may be one of the biggest game changers, as they have been designed as media consumption devices and are very portable.
There is also some key changes going on in TV, and all have possible implications for how advertisers and marketers think about what and how people "watch" and enjoy TV content. Tess Alps spoke about 4 she sees as key:
  1. Huge enhancements in how you can view TV content, thanks to advances like High Definition and 3-D in home. The quality and experience is being revolutionised and improved.
  2. TV is becoming more and more about portability and where and when people watch the content. As mentioned earlier, devices and computers are playing a growing way of viewing.
  3. Connected TV, while devices are offering an alternative to the TV in the corner, The TV itself is also now increasingly connected to the internet itself to allow more "on demand" and interactivity.
  4. Integration across home networks and communications, where more and more various media and internet devices are starting to be able to share, connect and increase the cross media and social interactions.
There are many implications for not only the makers of TV programs, but also for advertisers and marketers as people. No-one really knows where it will all head, and what will finally work and be embraced. But it is time to experiment, be bold and learn..

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