Friday, February 19, 2010

Digital fundamentals for the Nervous and the Uncertain: a talk I am doing in March at a Digital Marketing Briefing in London

I have been invited to do a talk at the Richmond Events Digital Marketing Briefing Conference in London in March.

The topic and description is:

Digital Fundamentals for the Nervous and the Uncertain

Gary Bembridge, Vice President at Johnson & Johnson Beauty Care, and award-winning travel, and marketing blogger , will be presenting some of the fundamentals of building a digital strategy based on personal learning and experiences.

Based on his experience from both professional and personal, he will provide insights, tips and advice to the group and share what he has learnt so far (sometimes the hard way!). It will also be a great opportunity to ask those digital questions you've always wanted, but never had the nerve to!

I am currently crafting the talk and tips for the one hour session.
Here is the taster so far, and any thoughts are welcome...
  1.  4 things work really well online.
  2. Love it. Live it. Do it
  3. From the top. Expecting is not enough. Be in or be out.
  4. Be where they are. Build and they will not come. Take the mountain to them
  5. Think: Learn forwards versus sit back. Think about the 3 screens:
  6. Create a Fan base (not a database)
  7. Give them what they want. Think like a consumer, stay thinking like that when you walk in the office
  8. Know what’s out there
  9. Use the principles of communication
  10. Don’t try and predict the future, make it.
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