Thursday, June 19, 2008

If advertising changes attitudes, what should promotion do? A question...?

I got a question that I want to see if anyone reading this can help with. The question is based on my posting on the topic of "if advertising changes attitudes, what should promotion do?":
This is the query I got: 

"I'd be interested to know if we hold any data on file about the impact of different types of POS instore?
If I take some of those flash arse skincare units for example that have snazzy signs and tester pots etc the presos always say 'Sales increased by 150%' etc but I'm always cynical about how much of that is due to increased range and shelf space, and control over competitor ranging vs the actual shopper saying 'You know what the presentation of this re-iterates that I can really look ten years younger'
At the opposite end of the scale, we all love ticking the box to say we've put up wobblers communication the latest brand claim but do we really know or understand if this has any INFLUENCE on the shopper's purchase apart from possible drawing their eye to that part of the shelf. Hell, a shelf tray made of lime green plastic with no message would do the same thing.
What in your experience has been the most effective form of POS as far as growing sales, which after all what we're all here to do".
Anyone with that answer?? I don't have the answer, but do have some thoughts as it also depends on the objective I guess?

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